The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) ( is a leading education and research institution in the area of life sciences. The university offers BSc and MSc programs and currently hosts approximately 3,000 BSc and MSc students. The Department of Economics at SLU holds a strong position in interdisciplinary research with key areas, such as farm management and decision-making, food supply chain economics, risk analysis, entrepreneurship, consumer preferences and behaviour, and economics of farm animal welfare, and food safety and nutrition. The vision of the Department of Economics at SLU is to be a leading European institution in economic research, as well as in policy analysis and academic education within the agricultural, resource, and environmental sectors. Within the project, based on ample previous experience, SLU will provide expertise and experience on economic experiments with farmers and consumers. Group members are also active in the Research Network on Economic Experiments for the Evaluation of the Common Agricultural Policy (
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Carl Johan Lagerkvist (male) Carl‐Johan Lagerkvist has been the Head of the Department of Economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, Sweden, since 2008. He has also held the position of Professor of Business Economics at the Department since 2010. He received his PhD degree in Agricultural Economics from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in 1999 and became an Associate Professor in 2007. He is the editor of the European Review of Agricultural Economics and he is a member of the editorial board of Food Quality and Preference. His research deals with consumer preferences and behavior, behavioral decision making, risk analysis, and agricultural finance. Ongoing research projects deal with urbanization and its implications for agribusiness and for food security as well as food waste in developing countries. Other ongoing research deal with consumer acceptance of gene technology for food quality, with drivers of conspicuous consumption, with goal-setting and choice, and with various methodological aspects related to consumer behavioral research.

Jens Rommel (male), is a researcher at the Department of Economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. He holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Jens does research on farmers’ and consumers’ behavior. He is interested in agri-environmental policy and often applies field experiments.

Jacob Dalgaard Christensen (male) is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Economics Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. He works in the research group Decision-making and managerial behavior. His primary interests lie within the link between economics and evolutionary psychology and how humans send signals to each other.
Anna Lindblom Eriksson (female), is subsidies and contracts manager at the Department of Economics, SLU. She has extensive experience in administering EU-funded research and action.