27 – 29 and 30 November 2023 (bonus day; 24 hours of total teaching), Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Campus Ultuna in Uppsala
Teaching and tutoring by Vincenzina Caputo, Anna Kristina Edenbrandt, Carl-Johan Lagerkvist, Jens Rommel, Julian Sagebiel
Participants were introduced to heuristics and biases in behavioral economics and their treatment in the econometric estimation of discrete choice models in relation to research in the agri-food system. In the mornings, there were lectures and exercises. Afternoons were reserved for working on individual or group projects in relation to the course content. The course combined lectures, group discussions, seminars, and small assignments.
On Thursday, November 30, there was an optional opportunity to present and discuss finalized, ongoing, or planned work on Discrete Choice Experiments with other workshop participants.
After taking the course, participants have an overview of the heuristics and biases research program in relation to agri-food economics and econometric models to account for heuristics and biases in estimation.
In total, 5 instructors and 20 people participated in this workshop.