VenueUniversity of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb

Date:   23 – 25 January 2023

Course leader:  Associate Professor dr. Jens Rommel

Lecturers: Živa AlifJens RommelChristoph SchulzeTanja Šumrada

The course was directed at researchers and students with an interest in applying an economic experiment to a policy question. To ensure high engagement, the maximum number of participants was limited to 15. In total, 10 people participated.

We revisited the classic literature on economic experiments, randomized impact valuations, and showcased how to develop an experiment answering a policy question based on the instructors’ research experience. The course built on extensive group work.

The course lasted three days and was organized in nine sessions. The total number of hours was 16.

The course was hosted by the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Zagreb. During the course, all participants received didactic material and references.